What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
Successful Customer Relationship Management is the art of amassing and using data effectively to identify customers and communicate with them in a style that is personalized and appropriate for the opportunity. Coincidentally, CRM provides the ability to measure results.
How Does It Work?
The Encore CRM process enables you to collect new calls from your different lead sources instead of running around and asking each attorney where the clients came from in the last month and recording the information in a spreadsheet.. Instead the system enables a performance dashboard for each attorney with easy tracking, searching and communicate directly with your law client prospects in a very cost-effective manner. This keeps the case management software clean with only actual paying clients!
The Encore CRM process is designed to:
- Let you, the expert in operating a law practice, stay focused on the new callers, retainers and cases. Retainers drive the pulse of most practices.
- Let us operate the marketing system as your partners, freeing your hands from the nitty-gritty work involved.
- Our tool is the basis for accountability of what is working and who is working!
In EncoreCRM system, you only have to do this:
- Answer the phone, get new callers to provide their names and email addresses.
- Provide the initial case notes and who is assigned to the prospect.
- Notate if an appointment was set and when.
- Review details to send to the assigned attorney in the firm.
We do this:
- Build and maintain the client/prospect database online, you access anywhere.
- Become your vehicle to communicate to your clients.
- Design communication solutions based upon your requirements
- Track and report on marketing results to define where to spend more and what to drop!
- Provide monthly and on demand management reports reflecting the status of your calls and appointments.
EncoreCRM can have your marketing functions up and operating in a very short period of time. Personalized communications can be on the way to your clients about your all important first appointment.
If you would like to improve your sales operation contact us today.
Once a prospect becomes a client the CRM has completed its mission and your case management software takes the case onward.
Please use our contact form to start a very powerful team working for your practice.